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I look back on where I was a couple of years ago when Abby made the decision to move out of our home. As you may recall from my posts during that time, I was a rattled mess. I was scared, hurt, and overwhelmed with worry. Each morning when my feet hit the floor, my thoughts went, immediately, to her. Was she OK, was she being cared for, did she wish she had never left, would she ever come home? If I was lucky enough to even fall asleep at night, I tossed and turned due to my being all-consumed with trying to make some sense out of what she'd chosen to do. I still can't make sense of it, to be honest.
Then, in May of last year, Abby made the decision to move back home. I think it came down to the fact that Austin's parents had given them an ultimatum of having to move out by a certain date. Being that she knew they couldn't make it on their own, she moved home and we, of course, welcomed her with open arms. Thankfully, she went on to earn her high school diploma, then broke it off with Austin last October...praise God!
Having her home has been a blessing in that we can offer her guidance as to how to get back on the right track. However, that hasn't always been met with open ears and a receptive heart. This past year has been laced with one challenge after another. We haven't always seen eye-to-eye on curfew, house rules, and expectations. Part of the problem has stemmed from the fact that I have a tendency to be more lenient, whereas Chris is more strict. However, as of late, I've learned how important it is for the two of us to be on the same page...a united front, if you will, and it's made a world of difference.
Abby left yesterday for a beach trip with two of her best friends and we weren't on the best of terms. We all have days like that from time-to-time whether it's with our spouse or our kids. Chris and I weren't big fans of her going, but we did nothing to stop her. She was about to walk out the door without telling me goodbye and Chris had to ask if she was going to say anything to me. It really hurt me and I stepped out on the back deck. She came outside and I told her that I wasn't going to reach out to her while she was gone and that if we were going to have contact, she would have to initiate it. I'm bound and determined to refrain from being one of those smothering moms, which never works. I'm getting so much better about standing my ground, too. So, last night around 7:30 PM, she sent me a text that read, 'We made it here safely. Love you.' I texted back about 30 mins. later saying, 'Good-love you.' Short and to the point. I haven't heard another word from her since. But, you know what? I'm OK with it. I'm at perfect peace. I'm not wringing my hands wondering what she's doing or why she hasn't texted today. I'm not pacing the floors waiting for her to come home. It just is what it is and that's alright. I see how much stronger I've become, especially, in the past few months. Worry no longer has a hold on me like it did before. The strength I've attained is a God thing...no doubt in my mind.
And He is far from being finished with me yet!