Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Happy Sunshiny Hodgepodge! The weather is glorious here! Want to join us in all the fun? Simply answer the questions on your own blog and link up. That's all there is to it!

1.  Share a favorite song, book, or movie title that contains the word green. 'Green Green Grass of Home' by Tom Jones. My mom and dad used to listen to it all the time and I know every lyric by heart. Still gets me choked up to hear it...

2.  Ralph Waldo Emerson is quoted as saying, 'Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect.' Would you agree? Are you a believer in luck? Hmm...I think I'm somewhere in the middle with this one. I believe in luck to a certain degree. For instance, if you play the slots in Vegas, you might have the good luck of winning from time-to-time. However, I tend to believe more that every action you engage in has a consequence. For example, if you are an honest person with a strong work ethic, you can become successful in the job force.

3.  Spring water, Hot Springs, handspring, spring fling. Spring Break, spring fever, offspring...which 'spring' word best applies to your something in your day, week, or life right now? Spring fever! Our temps have been reaching the upper 70's and it's everything I can do to keep from planting flowers in all of my beds. However, I'm going to give it a little more time to ensure that this warm weather is here to stay.  

4.  What's something you do to make yourself look or feel more confident? I exercise, at least, five days a week and I shower, wash my hair, and put makeup on every single day. Not because I 'have' to, but because it makes me feel better, overall.     

5.  It's National Celery Month...are you a fan? If so, what's a snack or dish you enjoy that calls for celery? I'm not a huge fan, but I will eat it. I love it as a side to boneless chicken wings...the spicier, the better!

6.  What's one thing you wish you'd learned sooner? How to bowl! Chris and I have a couple of close friends that we go bowling with about twice a month. We bowl from about 7 PM until about 1:30 AM---during Cosmic Bowl with disco lights! We have a blast! My highest score yet has been 152. I wish I had started bowling consistently at a younger age so I'd be more 'seasoned'.    

7.  Would you like to own a second home? If so, where would you want that home to be? Absolutely! My dream would be a log cabin nestled somewhere in the mountains of East Tennessee. This one would definitely fit the bill...

                                         (Image via Google)

8.  Insert your own random thoughts here. For the past few weeks, I've been taking Melatonin at bedtime. It's a natural sleep aid. I've been sleeping like a baby and have been having the most vivid dreams. Plus, I wake up feeling completely refreshed. I'm sold on it!   

Hope it's warm and sunshiny wherever you may be!